VDA 355 Battery Modules
What does VDA mean?
In the automotive context, VDA stands for “Verband Der Automobilindustrie” or the “German association of the automotive industry” in English. It is a trade association based in Germany that represents the interests of the German automotive industry.
The VDA plays a significant role in the automotive sector, promoting cooperation among its member companies, providing industry-related information and statistics, and contributing to the development of standards and guidelines within the automotive industry. They work on various topics, including technological advancements, sustainability, safety, and regulatory affairs.
The VDA’s activities encompass a wide range of areas within the automotive sector, and their guidelines and standards often influence and impact the global automotive industry as well. They work closely with manufacturers, suppliers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to foster innovation and ensure the industry’s competitiveness.

The VDA 355 is a guideline developed by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) and pertains to the documentation of process risks. It is intended to provide a standardized approach for identifying and managing risks in the automotive industry.
VDA 355 is a quality management standard used in the automotive industry. It is developed and maintained by the German Association of the Automotive Industry, known as Verband der Automobilindustrie in German, or simply VDA. The VDA is a prominent industry association representing the interests of German automobile manufacturers and suppliers.
The quality of VDA 355, like any standard or guideline, depends on its relevance, applicability, and effectiveness within the specific context it is designed for, which is risk management in the automotive industry. VDA 355 is widely recognized and used in the automotive sector, particularly in Germany and Europe, where it is considered a valuable tool for quality and risk management.
VDA 355 primarily focuses on risk management in the automotive industry and is designed to enhance safety by identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks associated with various processes and activities within the automotive manufacturing and supply chain.